The Need to Reinvent Education
School is an institution of thought and nurturing, one that guides a student through how what and why of the sciences that govern us and the world affairs that dictate us. A right-of-the-bat ninth grader, who is introduced to the three musketeers of science- biology, chemistry & physics, finds himself in a dilemma most of […]
Skill-Based Learning vs Degree-Oriented Learning: Changes We Need
“Skill-based ed-tech platforms ride wave of online learning to carve a niche for themselves,” reads a headline in the Indian Express. The article has an overview of how the Covid-19 pandemic paved the way for skill-based learning and continues to be in demand with students and professionals alike. The Zoom Video Communications hit an out-of-boundary […]
How To Be a Smart Investor?
As the world economy continues to define new pathways of income and profit, investing is not a strange concept to us. Investment and the associated legal framework binding every investor to the credits is a concept that takes its roots in the ancient city of Babylon. And ever since, the fold of investment has gotten […]