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The Making of a Narcissist

Let’s start with the story of Echo and Narcissus, which is a myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, an Augustan Age Roman mythical epic. The myth of the mountain nymph Echo was introduced into the story of Narcissus, the lovely young man who rejected Echo and fell in love with his reflection and dies wasting away before his reflection is consumed by a love that could not be achieved.

Narcissistic personality disorder was named after this Greek mythological character Narcissus, who fell in love with his mirror. The word was used by Sigmund Freud to describe self-absorbed people, and psychoanalysts have emphasized the narcissist’s need to boost his or her self-esteem through grandiose fantasy, exaggerated ambition, exhibitionism, and a sense of entitlement.

They exist in an illusory world of self-importance and admiration.

“Honestly the party stinks without me, I am the spotlight of everything”.

“Some people deserve to suffer”.

“Emotions are for weak, you are probably too sensitive to look at it that way”.

“I am so perfect. Ushh”.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disease in which persons have an exaggerated sense of their importance, a deep need for excessive attention and a strong need for admiration, difficult relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. It is one of several forms of personality disorders. But beneath this confident front hides fragile self-esteem that is easily shattered by the least criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder can cause issues in a variety of aspects of life, including relationships, employment, school, and finances. When they aren’t offered the particular privileges or adulation they believe they deserve, people with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally sad and disappointed. Others may not enjoy being around them since they find their connections unfulfilling.

The intensity of narcissistic personality disorder’s signs and symptoms varies. People who suffer from the disease may be able to:

• Have an excessive feeling of self-importance, a sense of self-entitlement, and a need for constant, unremitting adulation

• Expect to be regarded as superior, even if you haven’t achieved anything to merit it.

• Exaggerate their accomplishments and abilities. Have a fantasy about success, power, brilliance, attractiveness, or the ideal mate

• They believe they are superior and can only associate with those who are likewise exceptional.

• Conversations are owned and controlled, and persons who are perceived as inferior are belittled or looked down on.

• Expect preferential treatment and unquestioning adherence to their demands. Have an inability or reluctance to understand and respond to others’ needs and feelings

• Envious of others and believe that others are envious of you and appear arrogant, boastful, and pretentious if you act condescending or haughty. Insist on having the best of everything.

The question here tossing in everyone’s head is HOW DOES SOMEONE BECOME A NARCISSIST?

The environment in which a person grows up can have an impact on narcissistic inclinations. Grandiose narcissism can be exacerbated by parents who put their children on a pedestal, whereas vulnerable narcissism can be exacerbated by parents who are overly controlling.

Below are some common scenarios that can contribute to children becoming Narcissistic.

Scenario 1: Parental Values that are Narcissistic

In this case, the youngster is raised in a competitive family that solely rewards excellent success. One or both parents are Narcissist Exhibitionists. If you can’t be the best, why bother? is the family motto. The love is conditional, these children do not have a stable sense of affection in their families. If it does not confer prestige, they find it difficult to enjoy anything for its reason. Instead of being encouraged to explore what they enjoy and want to do more of by their parents, they are simply encouraged to reach high levels of success. Their parents are more concerned with how their children can make the family appear good than with their “true selves.”

Scenario 2: The Golden Child

Too much parental idealization can result in an imbalanced self-perception. When this occurs, the youngster views any imperfections as unacceptable and tries to be perceived as flawless. From here, it’s just a hop, skip, and a jump to full-fledged Narcissism.

Scenario 3: The Narcissistic Parent Who Is Devaluing His Children

In this scenario, the youngster is constantly put down by a very controlling and demeaning parent. The parent is irritable and quickly enraged, with overly high expectations. If a parent has two or more children, one will be praised while the others are devalued. Children growing up in these homes are angry, embarrassed, and insecure. They are likely to have a variety of reactions to their childhood situation.

 The other factors that may have a role in the becoming of a narcissist are:

  • Genetics ― inherited characteristics
  • Neurobiology — the connection between the brain and behavior and thinking



As there is no formally recognized cause for narcissistic personality disorder, there is no known strategy to prevent it. It may, however, be beneficial to seek therapy as soon as possible, participate in family therapy to acquire healthy communication and coping strategies for dealing with disagreements and emotional pain, attend parenting classes and, if necessary, get advice from your therapists or social workers.



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