Let Me Die In His Footsteps

Let Me Die In His Footsteps, published in 2015 is the third novel by an award-winning American author, Lori Roy. This novel is a blend of richly detailed mystery, coming-of-age, and highly suspenseful Gothic literature filled with indelible imagery, inspired by the last lawful public hanging in the US. It’s a story whose two main […]

The Need to Reinvent Education

Reinvent Education

School is an institution of thought and nurturing, one that guides a student through how what and why of the sciences that govern us and the world affairs that dictate us. A right-of-the-bat ninth grader, who is introduced to the three musketeers of science- biology, chemistry & physics, finds himself in a dilemma most of […]

Interstellar – Movie Review

Interstellar Movie

Are you the one who gets curious about black holes, gravity, Murphy’s law etc? Are you a science enthusiast? If yes, then you should watch the movie “Interstellar”  Interstellar is an epic science fiction film (2114), co-written, directed, and produced by Christopher Nolan. It features Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, […]

Humbitious Leadership

Humbitious Leader

The term ‘humbitious’ arose out of humility and ambition. Humility is about not putting oneself on a pedestal and acknowledging that no one is inferior. In leadership, it is about recognizing the importance of newer ideas and allowing them to breathe. Humbitious leadership is about admitting to errors and seeking feedback from employees or followers; […]

Equality versus Equity

Equality vs Equity

EQUALITY VERSUS EQUITY Have you ever felt that even though we may have equal opportunities and chances some find it difficult to attain and have to work a little too hard for the same achievement, and some can go along with the flow and reach out to chances faster? It’s because of the difference in […]

Decoding Haruki Murakami

Decoding Haruki Murakami

“In everything, no matter what it may be, uniformity is undesirable. Leaving something incomplete makes it interesting, and gives one the feeling that there is room for growth.”Yoshida Kenko, circa 1330 (Essays in Idleness) Murakami has become a famous name in the books of people looking for something different among the so-called top bestsellers, thanks […]

What is the Educational Universe?

Educational Universe

The educational universe is putting together tools and features making it easier for learners to educate themselves withdrawing the need for a systematic education system. In the recent pandemic, we have seen major developments in the education sector, which has enormously changed the way people learn. Gurucool, in its own way is working towards presenting […]

Why Our Brain Needs Boundaries

Our Brain Needs Boundaries

You must have heard the phrase “set boundaries” a no. of times! Ever wondered why your brain needs them? Don’t worry, we’ll come to it too, let’s get to what boundaries exactly are first:Boundaries are just imaginary walls we put to separate things or to keep things of the same kind on one side and […]

What is Democratic Education?

Democratising Education

Democratization of education is based on the idea that students are capable of recognizing their talents and interests and they should be the ones to create the rules of the classrooms and an environment of their liking and not be suffocated by compulsions. They should be allowed to voice out their opinions and make changes […]

Body image, Self Esteem and Influence of Society

Body Shaming, Self Esteem

“ That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist…,”“Size zero…,”“Lean is in…,” The ideal image of a body perceived through media, is propagated and instilled in our veins and brains. The ideal body shapes and sizes are all over, the pop-ups of self-proclaimed influencers on Instagram or billionaire super models claiming the […]